Oh, hello, nice to meet you!

David Onuh

Software Engineer

About me

I'm an experienced Software Engineer passionate about solving complex problems and an aptitude for learning.

Outside tech, I enjoy listening to music, playing video games, sports(football and basketball).

Work Experience

July 2019 - Dec 2019

Python Web Developer - Student Intern


Tasks revolved around Maintaining and improving existing Django applications, Implementing new UI mockups using Bootstrap, Upgrading projects from Django 1.11 to Django 2.0, Improving UI for responsiveness across multiple devices, Creating and improving existing background tasks using Celery.

Feb 2020 – Present

Python Web Developer - Remote contract


Built new API endpoints using Django-Rest Framework for the company's Insurance Claims processing Software.

Created background tasks using Celery for long-running processes. Codebase optimization which revolved around code refactoring, static files management, and caching.

Fixed bugs and implemented new functionalities on the previously built personality management web application. Most notably, extending the application to store user responses (question and their answer to that question).

Created a SaaS application to auto-deploy OpenMRS Reference Applications using Ansible to automate infrastructure setup, Docker(Compose) for container orchestration, Celery for executing Ansible Scripts, Rabbit MQ as the message queue for communication between Django and Celery Server.


B.Tech in Cyber Security Science - 2020

Federal University of Technology, Minna



  • Python
  • Javascript/NodeJs

Framework and Libraries

  • Flask
  • Django
  • React


  • Pandas

Dev Tools

  • Git
  • Linux
  • Travis



On the off chance that you might want to connect with me, be it for investigating innovation, business, or to simply say hello, don't hesitate to send me an email at davidonuh1@gmail.com